Ed Farrell Fine Art Photography
E d w a r d  W.  F a r r e l l    P h o t  o  g  r  a  p  h  y  

C l o s e - u p s   G a l l e r y 
These are close-ups of various subjects, mostly flowers, taken in natural light or using variations of the close-up flash technique.
White Rhododendron

White rhododendron from my yard, April 2016
Print ID: WR20160411
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
Date: April 9, 2016
Nikon D800E, 100mm macro
File size: 7290x4865

Rhododendron from my yard. There is a veritable forest of these, each plant a different variety and on a slightly different blooming shcedule. All were planted many years ago and have more the appearance of trees than of bushes.
Print ID: Rhododendron20140512
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
May 5, 2014
Nikon D800E
100mm Zeiss macro
tripod with bounce flash
F45 1/30 second
ISO 400
Yellow Rhododendron

Here's a yellow rhododendron, but I'm not certain of the exact variety.
Print ID: YR20140513
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
May 13, 2014
Nikon D800E
100mm Zeiss macro
tripod with bounce flash
F22 1/30 second
ISO 400
Pink and White Rhododendron

This one has a slight resemblance to a blimp, sailing gaily off to a party. Or perhaps a tropical fish, looking for some tasty sea-going morsel to snap up.
Print ID: PWR20140513
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
May 13, 2014
Nikon D800E
100mm Zeiss macro
tripod with bounce flash
F22 1/30 second
ISO 400
Mysterious Azalea

Mysterious azalea--don't know what it is but it's a compelling little flower.
Print ID: MA20140518
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
May 18, 2014
Nikon D800E
100mm Zeiss macro
tripod with bounce flash
F22 1/160 second
ISO 400
Watermelon Colored Rhododendron

Watermolon colored rhododendron the size of a tennis ball
Print ID: WCR20140518
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
May 18, 2014
Nikon D800E
100mm Zeiss macro
tripod with bounce flash
F22 1/160 second
ISO 400
White Rhododendron

Clustered rhododendron blooms
Print ID: WR20140518
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
May 18, 2014
Nikon D800E
100mm Zeiss macro
tripod with bounce flash
F22 1/160 second
ISO 400
Salmon Colored Rhododendron

A late bloomer in the garden.
Print ID: SCR20140518
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
May 18, 2014
Nikon D800E
100mm Zeiss macro
tripod with bounce flash
F22 1/160 second
ISO 400
Pink Flowered Garden Shrub

What is it? I don't know. I'm checking, though--when I identify it I'll update this entry. And if I don't identify it I'll make up a worthy and hopefully amusing name for it.
Print ID: PFGS20140513
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
May 13, 2014
Nikon D800E
100mm Zeiss macro
tripod with bounce flash
F22 1/30 second
ISO 400

An "up close and personal" shot of one of the geraniums in my mother's yard.
Print ID: Geranium20090114
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
July 12, 1985
Nikon F2
55mm macro lens
0.5 magnification
Hand held with closeup flash
f32 (EA f128)
1/60 second
Kodachrome 64
Forest Moss and Mushrooms

A closeup of the forest floor on Hotsprings Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.
Print ID: FMM20090115
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
July 12, 1984
Nikon F2
55mm macro lens
0.5 magnification
Hand held with closeup flash
f32 (EA f128)
1/60 second
Kodachrome 64
Spider on An Oak Leaf

An orb weaver (Araniella displicata) resting in an oak tree on Mendenhall Ridge, south of Livermore, California. This portrait was taken in the early morning, before coffee.
Print ID: SOAOL20090115
Prints available in the following sizes.
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O t h e r   P h o t o   D a t a
July 12, 1984
Nikon F2
55mm macro lens
0.5 magnification
Hand held with closeup flash
f32 (EA f128)
1/60 second
Kodachrome 64
A l l  P h o t o  G a l l e r i e s 
Photo of the month 
New Additions 
Alaska (aerial) 
British Columbia, Bella Coola 
California, Alabama Hills 
California, central coast 
California, central valley 
California, Death Valley 
California, Livermore Valley 
California, Sierra north 
California, Sierra south 
California, White Mountains 
California, Yosemite 
California, southern coast 
Europe, Russia 
Europe, Spain 
Europe, Italy 
Mexico, Michoacan 
Mexico, Monte Alban 
Midwestern US, Chicago 
Northwest, Cascades 
Northwest, Oregon Coast 
Northwest, Puget Sound 
Northwest, Toad Mountain 
Southwest, New Mexico 
Southeast Asia, Vietnam 
Close ups, flowers 
O t h e r   I n f o r m a t i o n 
Artist's Bio 
Purchase Prints 
B l o g  
April, 2015 
March, 2015 
February, 2015 

All site contents copyright 2016 by Edward W. Farrell
This page last updated on 2016.12.17